kennen of kunnen? We leren iets om het te kunnen, toch? Maar het gaat niet vanzelf.Kennis krijg je door informatie te verzamelen en kunnen (=kunst) leer je door veel te oefenen!Dit is het verschil 🙂 Bijvoorbeeld je kent veel over de geschiedenis van muziek, je kent veel genres en lyrics… maar als je nooit een …
reiki and aikido training on Mt. Kurama
Both Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki, and Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, trained on Mt. Kurama at approximately the same time. Is it a coincidence? Or were they both looking for something specific? I invite you to embark on a journey into the history of certain aspects of Japanese religions, legends and facts to find …
Van buiten naar binnen
Mensen zijn van natuur vaar buiten gericht “We denken altijd dat we de werkelijkheid kunnen begrijpen door te kijken naar wat andere mensen doen.We proberen onze vorderingen te beoordelen door bij onze buren te kijken. Wat bezitten ze? Hoe kwamen ze eraan?Deze benadering maakt het onmogelijk om de werkelijkheid te vinden. Als dit je houding is, zul je …
Wat is een Reiki cursus?
Ik was in gesprek met iemand die bleef vragen stellen over de Reiki cursus.Het leek alsof ze de antwoorden niet helemaal kon begrijpen. Toen kwamen we erachter dat ze dacht dat mijn belangrijkste bezigheid was Reiki behandelingen geven en in de cursus zou ik mensen leren de behandelingen te geven. waarop mijn reactie was dubbel: Ja en …
body, mind and speech of the Reiki precepts
We understand that the Reiki precepts are about the mind and that they describe the state of mind: anshin ritsume or satori = enlightenment=great bright light (Dai Komyo) = our True Self = Reiki. Thus with the Reiki precepts Mikao Usui has indicated the direction of our development on the Reiki path.The what of Reiki …
insights into Hatsurei ho
If you are familiar with Hatsurei Ho meditation, then you are practicing Reiki as a spiritual practice. This meditation is is taught in Okuden Reiki II of traditional Reiki, which means that it already presupposes the presence of basic skills and concepts of the traditional Reiki system. That is, you already understand that Reiki is …
treating your negative emotions like kids
5/30/2020 Anya van Til Being a mother of three I have seen my kids get hurt innumerous times. As a mother of course I had to help them. I should say that I have become better at this with time as I learned through practice all the do’s and don’ts. In the beginning I panicked just …
distance healing essentials
5/15/2020 Anya van Til At the time of lock down we are to do mostly distance treatments and online sessions.What does it mean for us?Many of us are facing the fact that distance healings are quite tricky. You don’t see, hear or feel your client. You do not perceive him or her with your senses …
what opportunities does the covid-19 provide?
3/24/2020 Anya van Til The Corona virus crisis is letting us see where we are exactly at this point of our lives and practices. Are we still having fears and worries? If yes, then this situation is providing us a powerful opportunity to keep practicing to streamline and strengthen our practice and bring it into …
heaven en hell in the Reiki precepts
3/1/2020 Anya van Til Last night I brought my 12 year old daughter to bed and had to comfort her. She was upset about some critique she got from her brother. Even though the critique was valid, she felt too upset to fall asleep.I had to help her out “It’s not about what someone says”, I …